Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Iron Lady

«Too often the democratic peaceful nations let slip their guard because they assumed that the danger had gone, assumed that the future would be one of peace and progress. And too often they were wrong. For the course of history is not predictable.»
«For it's not only totalitarian dictatorship whose shackles the peoples of the world are throwing off. It's socialism. It's the central planning and state control, the grinding inefficiency, the shortages, the bureaucracy, the embittered politics of envy, the corruption, the oppression, in a word it is the poverty of socialism, from which our world is breaking free.»

Speech to Young Conservative Conference - 10 Feb 1990

1 comment:

crack said...

Caro Pinho Cardão
Os nossos pensadores pensam pequenino e, geralmente, apenas à esquerda, dois handicaps que mutuamente se potenciam. Num diferente contexto, podemos dizer, como Maggie, "it is the poverty of socialism".